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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Questions I Hate Being Asked

Did you ever hear the same question(s) asked to you so many times that after awhile it makes you angry? It may be because I work with people and make small talk daily, so these questions come up more often. It still gets annoying over time though.  It wouldn't be nearly as bad if it was once in awhile, but I hear these questions at least once a week.  Here's a few that I'm getting really tired of:

1.  Aren't you a little young to be married? This is usually asked after the person finds out I'm married. First of all, you don't know how old I am (sure, I look young) but not only am I old enough, but who's to say that I'm "too young" anyway?  Maybe it's because too many people are getting married younger or quicker these days, but it's still none of their business.  I was with my husband for 6 years before we got married and we've been happily married for 2 years so far.. and I don't have the time or energy to explain that to every single person that asks me that question!  In fact, the more I think about the question, the angrier I get.. It's almost like they are saying, "Well you seem too young to be married" or "I hope you didn't rush into marriage because you look too young for it"..

2. How old are you? This kind of relates to the first question in a way. Yes, I look young (maybe even 18 years old or so), but whatever happened to remembering the old saying "don't ask a woman her age?"  It's a tad rude, especially if I don't know you well.  Does it matter how old I am? It doesn't mean I'm not qualified to do my job or that I'm incompetent because I look younger.

3. How long have you been doing this (my job)?  I'm seeing a pattern here.. this is slightly age related since I look so young, I hear this question a lot because it may look like I just graduated from college.  But once again, why should that matter?  I wouldn't have my job (nor would they keep me around) if I didn't know what I was doing. I worked my ass off to graduate with the highest honors in college, not to mention that I had to pass a clinical board exam, a national board exam, and a regional board exam JUST to get my license in the field.  And that's AFTER the fact that I had to graduate first!  I just get tired of explaining my qualifications.. I have never questioned my doctor or dentist - I respect the fact that they went to school for so long AND had to take board examinations as well to get where they are (and residencies on top of that). Then again, I may be taking this question to seriously.. for all I know, they may just be curious..

I might be adding more questions later, but these are definitely the top asked questions that get repetitive and annoying over time. Then again, it's "That Time Of The Month" so maybe I'm just going overboard :)

Why Am I So Angry? Especially at Drivers!!

A few days ago when I was driving to work, I hit a stop light and to the right of me I noticed a van with full window decals that were faded, cracking, and peeling all over the place.. THIS MADE ME SO MAD!! I have no idea why either! In my head I was thinking, "What the hell? Clean your damn windows, asshole! Those decals are worthless to you and your stupid van now that they are a mess! People don't wanna stare at your gross windows either!!"

And then part of me was thinking, "Why am I getting so angry over this? This is stupid.. This shouldn't bother me.." THEN I realized, I was in PMS mode.  My period was expected the next day.

It's funny how hormones can do that!! But it especially comes out when I'm driving!

THEN on the way home, I was in the left lane ("faster" lane) and this person was going 45 miles an hour!! This person was backing up the whole left lane. A lot of people ended up going into the right lane and back into the left lane to pass this guy (one of them gave this guy the middle finger, too) and he still didn't get the hint!!!! 

Things That Piss Me Off When Driving:

2. Going to slow (below speed limit or in the left lane)
4. Someone that constantly hits the brakes FOR NO REASON!!
5. People who don't turn their lights on when it's dark out!!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Experiment in Terror Books

I am addicted to this series - I was just told about these books last week and I'm already on the third book in the series.  These books are by Karina Halle and are only $2.99 if you download them on the Kindle (and the first book in the series is free!) I used to be against the Kindle & electronic books, but it has definitely become my favorite gadget that I own (because I can download the next book immediately without having to go to the book store).
Though I still love going to the book store & buying (and smelling) new books!  

Anyway, if you like ghost/paranormal stuff with a little bit of a love story that develops throughout the series, definitely check these out!  It's basically about a girl, Perry, that meets this guy, Dex, and they become a paranormal/ghost hunting team for an internet webshow. Throughout the series (so far), Perry has an attraction to Dex and is secretly "in love" with him while Dex is hard to read with his emotions. At the same time, they get into some interesting paranormal adventures.  Hopefully that sums it up without giving too much away!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

My Art

I'll be posting my art from time to time on here.  Most of these are old, a few are new.  I have a pretty weird mind sometimes :)



Save The Batties!

I support this website 100%
Bats are so useful (read more on the website!) and we need to keep them around! Look how cute they can be:

My First Tattoo

This is my first tattoo and I am in love with it!! I pretty much designed the skeleton for it (I sketched what I wanted) and my tattoo artist put in all the magnificent detail and her twist on it and it came out 100x better than I ever thought it could!!  Visit her page: for more of her art, she is amazing!!!

I finally have my bat-cat!

Seeing Auras

This is another one that boggles my mind (I don't like the word 'boggles' either, but I didn't want to use "baffles" again.. one of these days I'll find a better word).

This is actual aura photography - somehow they can capture a person's
energy on film.

When I was younger, I use to get distracted by colors around people's heads. I would stare and see yellows, greens, oranges, reds, and blues.  I also used to see it around my hands (usually greens and yellows) and also around my mom's head (mainly yellows, but also blues, greens).  I never knew what it was and thought it was a cool eye trick.  I would see it around kids and teachers at school (which is probably why I never paid attention in class - along with my daydreaming).

I can't see them anymore now, it stopped when I was in middle school or so, but I look back on it and wonder if I was seeing auras (people's energy - it's a real scientific thing by the way) or if my eyes were playing cool tricks on me.

I just remember seeing all these cool colors around people if I focused on them and it was pretty cool. Like I said though, I can't see those colors anymore, but it's definitely something I remember.

Ghost or Imaginary Friend? Or Am I Just Crazy?

Here is one of those experiences I will be posting that may give off the impression that I might be crazy, but this really happened and still baffles my mind today (by the way, I hate that word "baffle" but it's the only word I could think of to fit there).

When I was younger, me and my mom used to go the the grocery store around the corner from us (Mad Grocer, anyone else remember this place?!) Anyway, I had to be about 4 years old or so because I don't remember a lot, but I do remember this man.  His name was Mr. Burns (I know you're thinking The Simpsons, but this was before the Simpsons was even made). He was a heavyset guy, probably in his late 60's, always wore suspenders, a light beard (gray in color), and most of the time wore a baseball hat.  He was always alone with his shopping basket, but was always friendly.  Seemed like he would only talk to me (maybe he preferred talking to kids over adults).

I remember him being there almost every time we went shopping.  He would always tell me to, "be a good girl for Mommy" and to always "stay with Mommy in the store". Sometimes when my mom would be going down another aisle, he would say, "you better go with Mommy, don't wanna lose her".
I also remember being in aisle where I was asking my mom if she could buy Tang (that delicious orange drink of the 80's) and she said yes, so I went over to get it and Mr. Burns stood there and said, "You like Tang, eh?" and I said, "yup!"

A few years ago, I remembered Mr. Burns and decided to ask my mom about him.  I told her the whole story and said, "You know, Mr. Burns, the guy at Mad Grocer" and she just looked at me like I was crazy! I said, "Come on, you know who I'm talking about!" and I described him and she was like, "Um, he might have been an imaginary friend or something because I have no idea who or what you're talking about". I even said, "You were there when he asked if I liked Tang!" and she was like, "you must have dreamt it or something.."  I asked her several more times on different occasions to see if she was just messing with me, but she swears she doesn't remember him or anyone like the guy I described.

Weird, huh?  I don't know what to think.. was he someone I imagined or was he a ghost that watched over me at the grocery store? Who knows, but I do know he was there.

I'm New To This

I realized that I've always had a lot of thoughts or experiences that float around in my head and I never really wanted to share with anyone (whether it was personal, embarrassing, silly, or for the fact that I didn't want people to think I was crazy)!  So, now that I'm at the point where I don't care much what people think anymore, I have decided to blog about anything & everything that's in my head.  I just have too many thoughts that crowd my mind (especially when I try to sleep) so maybe writing about it will help clear some things out :)

    Me and one of my best friends in the world, my cousin, Stefanie!
She's the one who inspired me to "go with it" and not care what other people think. It sounds like a simple lesson that I should have learned by now, but I never followed it until now (with her inspiration). Best part is, she's 10 years younger and I'm learning from her!