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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Questions I Hate Being Asked

Did you ever hear the same question(s) asked to you so many times that after awhile it makes you angry? It may be because I work with people and make small talk daily, so these questions come up more often. It still gets annoying over time though.  It wouldn't be nearly as bad if it was once in awhile, but I hear these questions at least once a week.  Here's a few that I'm getting really tired of:

1.  Aren't you a little young to be married? This is usually asked after the person finds out I'm married. First of all, you don't know how old I am (sure, I look young) but not only am I old enough, but who's to say that I'm "too young" anyway?  Maybe it's because too many people are getting married younger or quicker these days, but it's still none of their business.  I was with my husband for 6 years before we got married and we've been happily married for 2 years so far.. and I don't have the time or energy to explain that to every single person that asks me that question!  In fact, the more I think about the question, the angrier I get.. It's almost like they are saying, "Well you seem too young to be married" or "I hope you didn't rush into marriage because you look too young for it"..

2. How old are you? This kind of relates to the first question in a way. Yes, I look young (maybe even 18 years old or so), but whatever happened to remembering the old saying "don't ask a woman her age?"  It's a tad rude, especially if I don't know you well.  Does it matter how old I am? It doesn't mean I'm not qualified to do my job or that I'm incompetent because I look younger.

3. How long have you been doing this (my job)?  I'm seeing a pattern here.. this is slightly age related since I look so young, I hear this question a lot because it may look like I just graduated from college.  But once again, why should that matter?  I wouldn't have my job (nor would they keep me around) if I didn't know what I was doing. I worked my ass off to graduate with the highest honors in college, not to mention that I had to pass a clinical board exam, a national board exam, and a regional board exam JUST to get my license in the field.  And that's AFTER the fact that I had to graduate first!  I just get tired of explaining my qualifications.. I have never questioned my doctor or dentist - I respect the fact that they went to school for so long AND had to take board examinations as well to get where they are (and residencies on top of that). Then again, I may be taking this question to seriously.. for all I know, they may just be curious..

I might be adding more questions later, but these are definitely the top asked questions that get repetitive and annoying over time. Then again, it's "That Time Of The Month" so maybe I'm just going overboard :)

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