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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Experiment in Terror Books

I am addicted to this series - I was just told about these books last week and I'm already on the third book in the series.  These books are by Karina Halle and are only $2.99 if you download them on the Kindle (and the first book in the series is free!) I used to be against the Kindle & electronic books, but it has definitely become my favorite gadget that I own (because I can download the next book immediately without having to go to the book store).
Though I still love going to the book store & buying (and smelling) new books!  

Anyway, if you like ghost/paranormal stuff with a little bit of a love story that develops throughout the series, definitely check these out!  It's basically about a girl, Perry, that meets this guy, Dex, and they become a paranormal/ghost hunting team for an internet webshow. Throughout the series (so far), Perry has an attraction to Dex and is secretly "in love" with him while Dex is hard to read with his emotions. At the same time, they get into some interesting paranormal adventures.  Hopefully that sums it up without giving too much away!

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