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Saturday, July 27, 2013

I'm New To This

I realized that I've always had a lot of thoughts or experiences that float around in my head and I never really wanted to share with anyone (whether it was personal, embarrassing, silly, or for the fact that I didn't want people to think I was crazy)!  So, now that I'm at the point where I don't care much what people think anymore, I have decided to blog about anything & everything that's in my head.  I just have too many thoughts that crowd my mind (especially when I try to sleep) so maybe writing about it will help clear some things out :)

    Me and one of my best friends in the world, my cousin, Stefanie!
She's the one who inspired me to "go with it" and not care what other people think. It sounds like a simple lesson that I should have learned by now, but I never followed it until now (with her inspiration). Best part is, she's 10 years younger and I'm learning from her! 

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